DC Motor Manufacturing Process Flow (Electric Motors)

Saturday - 10/02/2018 13:00

DC Motor Manufacturing Process Flow (Electric Motors)

The basic dc motor manufacturing process. Like ac motors, the first step is producing laminations for the pole piece and armature. The pole-piece lamination is stacked with several other components into a pole piece assembly.
The pole piece on dc motors may be of solid steel. A housing is produced, and when the pole pieces are inserted, it becomes a frame and field assembly. This frame and field assembly is then sent to motor assembly.

Brushes, with other components, are assembled into a brush assembly, and this is then assembled on the frame and field assembly.
The armature lamination is stacked into a core, which is then assembled onto a shaft, and copper wire is inserted or wound onto the core.

The coils may be connected to the commutator as they are wound or connected after the coils are inserted into the core and shaft assembly. This is a completed armature assembly which then goes to final motor assembly.
Dolin Machines
The frame and field assembly, armature assembly, and miscellaneous parts are then assembled into a complete motor.

The motor is then tested, painted, and packed for shipment.

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